Bringing quality group Reformer Pilates classes to the Villages of the Southern Highlands, with a one of a kind studio with the most fabulous views.
Having been locals in the villages for 8 years, we know how hard it can be to make it into the towns to access these services. Our passion is bringing quality reformer classes to the smaller communities of the Highlands, as usually these communities miss out.
An avid reformer lover? Haven't tried a reformer before? Which ever one you are, you are sure to fall in love even more with Pilates and all its benefits. You will be blown away with how GREAT you feel after a class. The strength you build and the flow on effects - posture - back pain - flexibility - toned muscles. With multiple group class times available, come and see for yourself.
Now offering gorgeous day retreats, these are limited offerings, head to our Retreats page to find out more.
Let’s get to the Kore!
Class Schedule - Please Select Weekday To View
Dec 11 - Dec 17
My name is Laura and I am the founder and main instructor at Kore Pilates. Having had over a decade of ballet training, muscle awareness was already built into me. I’ve since had three little kiddies and felt my body lose its strength. I’d always loved Pilates and unimpressed with the aggressive approach to fitness that I was given time and time again, with my now slightly fragile body, I studied more about Pilates and I became inspired to teach it. Making clients aware of how important the basic strengthening of your core is and how you can give your body a killer workout without damaging yourself. The benefits will amaze you.
We have been living in the beautiful Southern Highlands for 8 years now, starting in Robertson and now in Penrose, we know first hand, village life has it beautiful side and its hard to get anywhere side. I was so excited to bring my passion for Reformer Pilates and the smaller communities together.... It is one very special combination.
Appreciating some thrive in a more individual class, we offer one on one reformer sessions.
Feel free to email us any questions you may have, we are happy to help.